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Quinte Fishing

Fishing Reports for the Bay of Quinte
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 Post subject: Jan 07/07 report
PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:05 pm 

Joined: Thu Oct 26, 2006 7:39 am
Posts: 2
Well after reading previous post it looks like its time to break out the jigging rods...lol. Actually will probably start fishing the Niagara as it is a little closer to Mississauga then Picton. Anyways 6 hours on the road and 7 hours on the Bay and only 1 fish on the planer's....long way to go for one fish that cam in like a wet sock. Although beauty on the water.....I guess the fish are really spread out. Looks like weather is going to hold up.......who knows maybe I have 1 more day in me....keep the posts coming


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:45 pm 
Walleye Fingerling

Joined: Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:07 am
Posts: 71
That sucks that you only drag one walleye in, it was such a beautiful day out there, I haven't tried using planner boards before. I'm more of a ice fisherman so I rather do the vertical jigging it was nice and calm on sunday so didn't need the drift sock, using a gps and marking the walleyes really helped for us after finding the small walleyes and catching 60 of the little dinks we located the big sows. I caught one that was 11 lbs one 8 and a couple that where around 3. I lost one that had to be 12,13 it was big not to mention it put up a awesome fight. I think the key was locating and marking them on the gps we were able to get back to the same spot, the big fish weren't very active as there was only 2 or three other big fish caught out there between 10 boats. I was so surprised on the amount of small walleyes there is out there things are looking up to the quinte fishery.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 4:52 pm 
Walleye Wisdom

Joined: Thu May 09, 2002 2:32 pm
Posts: 755
Location: bowmanville ont.
Walleyecatcher..... And you didn`t believe me.....now you `re the hero.
good job!!!


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 6:26 pm 
Walleye Angler
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Joined: Mon Oct 07, 2002 7:43 am
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teppy wrote:
Walleyecatcher..... And you didn`t believe me.....now you `re the hero.
good job!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 6:32 pm 
Walleye Fingerling

Joined: Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:07 am
Posts: 71
Yep I didn;'t believe you there is alot of fish out there unbelievable hopefully you can accept my apologies

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:33 am 
Walleye Wisdom

Joined: Thu May 09, 2002 2:32 pm
Posts: 755
Location: bowmanville ont.
Yes I can....and thats what this board is for BRAG and BEG... I guess that means beg for info....
Maybe I`ll see you out there some day.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:49 pm 
Walleye Fingerling

Joined: Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:07 am
Posts: 71
hopefully I get a chance to go out on Thursday or fri depending on the wind. I might go to deseronto try to find some bigger pigs even know I got into some nice ones at Rush Bar, I just get sick of the smaller walleyes man there is so many of them ( I know, that is pretty sad when you say your sick of catching those walleyes but there is a huge school there).

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:56 pm 
Walleye Master

Joined: Fri Apr 25, 2003 7:40 am
Posts: 1776
once your tired of jiggin' the babies, put on some bigger shallow diving cranks, and trolling the edges of the schools.

you'll find there are lots of big ones around.....

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 2:03 pm 
Walleye Fingerling

Joined: Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:07 am
Posts: 71
ya we found the big ones in 26 ft just off the the edge of the school Actually I guess the hardest thing is talking my fishing partners in go in after the bigger ones, when your catching them hand over fist.

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