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Quinte Fishing

Fishing Reports for the Bay of Quinte
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 Post subject: fishing imfo
PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:56 pm 
Walleye Fingerling

Joined: Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:07 am
Posts: 71
The cold weather has really turned them off, of course your still able to catch them but they aren't as agressive as they were. I was out yesterday with a few friends and we only caught 3 fish in the morning but you could feel that they were down there just sucking on the minnow or brushing against your bait.

I have a aqua view camera and i don't use it much just to teach people how to catch them because to catch the walleye you have to understand the walleye, well to catch more than one. It is quite intresting to see the walleyes come in and feed some will come right in and hit it, but most of them come in and stir up the bottom and circle your lure. I've seen them just lay on bottom and look at your lure, even take a few sniffs and swim away. The best was to see the perch fighting each then in the back ground I could see a huge walleye swimming aggressively toward my lure then as soon as he got there the perch took off.

The weather plays the most important role of the fish, low pressure, high pressure, wind , snow and rain we might say these are excuses for not catching fish and sure it is, but thats were you have to change your presentation. You always here other fisherman ask you what colour are you using, I break it down it to two catergorys your spoons and your vertical jigging lures. Slow down your presentation when the fish aren't as agressive and speed it up when the are. They most important thing about lure selection is believe in the lure you are using.
good luck fishing this week

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:29 pm 
Walleye Angler

Joined: Sun Apr 14, 2002 7:18 am
Posts: 252
Location: Napanee/Ont.
Interesting tips there Walleyecatcher,those agua view cameras must make it very interesting.

LG Mckeown ,Bacon&Eggs-- A lifes commitment for a pig and only a days work for a chicken!

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:06 pm 
Jumbo Perch

Joined: Tue Jan 03, 2006 12:35 pm
Posts: 47
Location: Pennsylvania
Aqua views are great, but nothing beats a Vexilar. It is like Atari for fishermen!

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