I suspect that it is a lot closer than most of us might care to realize. All of the primary public players are on the same page and continue to support this. Changing the perception is not an insurmountable challenge....getting the job done in a way that achieves results and gains respect is like climbing Everest to some of our leaders. Chosing to provide no creative direction nor leadership beyond the occasional name at the end of a press release is a poor way to assert any authority that will garner respect.
The Bay of Quinte public meetings, OPSEU strike, etc. all have further created a situation where MNR needs..... DAMAGE CONTROL..... and RENEWED public support. It is quiet now, thankfully due to a new minister that seems to have more of the publics collective interest at heart.
Having seen the native gentleman stock walleye fry this spring and knowing that MBQ are actively talking about having a hatchery also.... the opportunity to gain here is significant. I believe that it can and will happen. The only question for me is when.
A call here and a letter there all serve as a reminder. I encourage all to remember this whatever your interest as it has not gone away..... rest assured. Sorry....I had to make sure that the fishery is not forgotten or delayed like a long overdue report.
Tight Lines
Don Stokes