Stocking of BOQ has only taken place by one gentleman on Tyendinega for walleye. Historically a number of various species have been stocked in and around the area.
MNR controls this aspect (public stocking) at the present time under the current conditions. In the future, hopefully this will somehow be controlled differently to allow more public input.
I understand a small amount of rainbow trout being reared in Springside Fish Hatchery/Napanee at the present time. I do not know their stocking location.
On a personal note, it is my hope to see management by watershed, with strains of fish used/stocked that were historically present, or are better able to survive given the changing ecosystem. When and if this time comes, I would like to see considerable more public involvement in how MNR conducts regional business across the province. The examples are endless from across N America of how to develop a stronger more publicly supported, endorced model. Studies need to be conducted of spawning sites, and many more things, that go beyond what has currently been conducted.
Ask yourself "when was the last time you saw a biologist or technician in any major river feeding BOQ in waders, let alone talking to a group of kids....riverside"? The area deserves more ernest attention. This will only happen when people begin to repeatedly demand that the bar for MNR expectations be raised in how services are rendered and not the other way around. Management can make the difference, in most areas (there are a number of complex but workable variables involved).
Don Stokes
PS. hit me on a rough day regarding this topic.