pickerel killer wrote:
does anyone ever run td-11 or 800's and a spoon??? Useing a double barrel swivel with a 3 ft lead and use a couple snap swivels and clip on a spoon off a 2 or 3 foot lead? So the spoon is running just above the diver!
Yes, legally you're allowed 3 hooks on a line and a 2 treble diver and single treble spoon okay.
Use a 3 way swievel, 6 foot lead to diver, 3' to spoon.
Know some Windsor yakers who do that all the time on Detroit river and Erie .
Honestly,haven't tried it myself, like the action off of leadcore more and figure you're asking for tangles.
Also, bigger the spoon the faster the speed for ideal action, and have had success on medium
flutter spoons such as Williams D3's and Mooselocks ( golds and oranges, as someone else mentioned) at slower speeds.
These Quinte suspended eyes are just like lakers, liking a slow wobbly bait.