Well i was chatting with Dave, formally Fisher boy and we decided to go up to the dock in Wellington for a little fishing. All in all we had a pretty good night with lots of laughs and a few fish. Dave nailed the first eye around 7:00 pm but the bite started to come on a bit at 9:00 pm. We fished till 10:30 pm landing 5 eyes in total and several mosquitoes. I personally seen Dave nail several mosquitoes that were well within the 1 lb range lol. The good old Bob Izumi recommended Deep Woods Off was just not cutting it. At one point i wish we had Bob there with us so we could have stripped him down and used him as a mosquito trap so we could fish without doing the holly bejebe the mosquitoes are bad dance. After ingesting several bugs up the nose,mouth, and eyes we decided to call it quits. I ate so many bugs i was starting to feel like a rainbow trout. I got home and cleaned some fish then jumped in the shower to wash off 3 cans of Deep Woods Off and then it was off to bed. I laid there reflecting on our night of fishing and started to laugh. It is totally hilarious watching some guy trying to fish while swatting frantically at all the bugs, and this is what we call the joys of fishing. Keep them rod tips up and have a great day. Fred