Hey gang, heres my first report. I hope this info is useful, Walleye trolling season is way to short!
The day started in Ottawa at 4am! It was an uneventful drive with a few flurries on the way, we launched in Picton around 8:30 and decided to try to head over to the bat cave.. big mistake! The 23 Knot gusting 30 winds made it impossible for my 17ft Princecraft to battle the waves. We turned around half way to the ferry and decided to work Picton bay. We trolled the West shore of the bay with a multitude of TD9, TT20 and Reef runners 700. Around 2pm we decided to make one last past on the East shore of the Bay and within 30 mins we had a fish on off a planer board !! A beautiful 9lbs female. She was caught over 30ft of water about 200ft from shore with a purple 700 Reef runner. Water temp was around 44F. Boat is heading to the shop as it was running rough so this was probably my last trip on the season
If anyone is looking for a fishing partner PM me. I like to think i know the area somewhat well lol I got my own rods, tackle, boards etc. I can split on gas and I pack a mean lunch! Cheers