Hi all, just returned from Haybay with my father. The weather was unsettled with a mixture of rain and sun but I would'nt have changed it for the world. My dad had a great time and asked when the next trip was.
There was'nt a lot of Walleye caught but there was some of bridges torn down and a lasting relationship reaffirmed.
We went out monday night and trolled from the boathouse on north shore around the drop-off and got one 18" within 1/2hr then lots of hits and a few lost at the boat and only one other around 12" rest of eve.
Tues morn again lots of hits -perch I think and then dad lost a big one at the boat. Caught a few whopping drum and sunfish /perch rest of day.
fished off dock at Pickeral park after 12 mid. and caught 2 more keepers.
Wed. was just a beautiful day to fish. Caught a few pike in the morn and about 10:30 dad "again " lost a huge one right at the boat Est. 7 or 8 lbs. he had his drag cranked up and it could not run and snapped 10lb test. Oh well, at least he caught some fish was all he had to say. We did'nt venture to far from the park this time just in case he got sick , but next time we plan on going to many more spots.
We were using mostly Lucky strike 1 1/2" victor spinners in various colours , Blue fox black fury spinners, cc shad and some go-getters all tipped with dews.
I downloaded a top map from Garmin website of Haybay before I left and this proved to be invaluable.
Many thanks to Haybay Larry for the info on my earlier post .