Superdad and Superdad's Dad were out to fish Monday evening, Fished the pump house at Pig Farm over to the Old Church weed bed (strangely missing) with no results.
Headed to Shermans and during the first pass past the top of Shermans. Superdad picked a nice eye on a Chartruese Uzick, unfortunately the sun blinded the netman and the fish flopped off
Decided to troll some crank baits at Ram IS until almost dusk - nothing happened there.
Out back on the water at 0830 on Tues AM, heading to Thompsons Cove - Fatman beat us to the Honey Hole. By the time we got into the cove area they had already released a fish in the slot. They were doing real well after we passed them for the third time, "enough for a lunch" was the cry we heard.
All the while the North-west was starting to blow down the Reach and the three footers made boat control difficult. Not hard enough to stop Superdad from picking up an 18.5 incher on a Chartuese Uzick. Saw many schools of baitfish
Motored slowly to the lee of the north shore, trolled Carp Cove (where are the weeds?), past the Launch ramp (marking a lot of fish), Fished over the Kingscourt weedbed (actually a bump sans weeds).
Headed back to shore at 1200 - one nice fish.
Nice to be out in the early fall, waiting for the late fall.