Thansk for the reply guys, I know it must sound like a newbie just saying 'soooo how do i fish???' but really appreciate any advice since im just starting out again!!
The top of the locks before you cross the road? I haven't tried there yet. I have tried the shore line on the north side of 15 and the dock along there and pulled in quite a few sunfish, but that's it. Wondering If I'm using the wrong bait/setup. I've been mostly using drop shot with a fairly small hook 6's I think. I noticed some larger worm hooks in a kit that came with my fishing pole (shakespear "catch more bass" ) wondering if I should try that with some plastics. At the docks on river side of locks I have been trying spoons (little cleo and 5 diamond) and some spinner baits with noooooooooo success...only way I've caught anything there is on drop shot with a powerbait 2" white/gray shad...but mostly really tiny perch, and one bass caught on the portage dock.
for drop shot how far up do you suggest the hook from the sinker? any idea how deep it is in there, when I get tired of reeling I have been trying hook/worm/bobber with no success and that befuddles me. I'd really like to catch some pike in there, got hooked on pike last year fishing in Sudbury....for a guy used to catching sunfish and rock bass it was a thrill of a life. Also hooked into one using a crank bait on papineau lake just outside of catching those guys, and have heard they are In the mills...but haven't seen anyone yank one in!!