Heading out Sat morning on my sled from Deseronto and plan on sticking to the left of the pressure crack and fishing just past Foresters Island as we hit them good there last Saturday. If no luck then would like to head into the mouth of the reach and maybe a bit further down towards Huffs.
If anyone is aware of changes in ice conditions since last Saturday in that area, I'd appreciate a response. I was surprised last Saturday to see bad ice in front and to the right of Foresters Island and a huge open water spot just West of the bridge. I'll be happy to post our results in exchange for some safety based info.!
P.S. Walleyedreamer, if you're seeing this mssg, meet me at the Deseronto launch at 6:00 a.m. if you want a ride and tow again and hopefully we slam them like we did last Saturday!
_________________ lets go fishin!