Hey Fish Hound,
Here ya go!
First, you need a place to store the photos. An outfit like, myfishingpictures.com does it for free. There are others but the names escape me right now.
You sign up and they provide you with the space to store them. Once you've uploaded them to your account at myfishingpictures.com you will be provided with a link.
Each link (or photo tag line) will look like this....
So now you have the info needed to post the photo. You need one of these addresses for
each photo you want to post.
This address I'm showing you is coming up as a
"clickable" link because I have not put any
tags on it.
Let's pretend you want to make a post with a photo.
We'll use the same link as above as if it were you that stored it at myfishingpictures.com.
Here's a picture of the fish I (Fish Hound) caught today!
Now you click the
Img box above (they're in the boxes below the
subject line while you're making a post!)
So you click Img, once.
then insert your photo tag, like this
then once more click Img,
only this time it will come up /Img .
The slash finishes the command line you're after.
So you're finished tag line should look like this...a photo your linking too!
DO it once or twice while structuring a post, it'll be second nature after a couple tries.
Now if you
right click on the photo itself, you'll see the tag line linking to that particular photo.
Remember, this link is preceeded by Img and followed by /Img to make the photo actually show up!!
Feel free to drop a line if you need clarification!