Your right, just being out on a beautiful morning
can overide your lack of success. I was out one
day at the end of December with no luck. It was
a warm day and the sun was giving us a sun tan.
Then we saw something that really made the day.
A bald eagle flew by us. It was really cool.
It was the second blad eagle I had seen in a two
month period. The first was on Stoney lake in
November on the last day of walleye season. By
the time I got my digital camera out to take a
picture of the eagle (It was hidden away in a boat
locker) it was so high I could barely see it. It took
a picture anyway. I got home and showed my wife
the picture. I had to zoom in on the display at least
five times to see the eagle. It was just a dot on the
screen. (maybe 1 or 2 pixels)
Still it was an eagle, and it made my day.
Enjoy your time out even if you don't catch the big one.