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Fishing Reports for the Bay of Quinte
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 Post subject: Check your boat
PostPosted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 10:00 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 25, 2004 6:55 pm
Posts: 107
Location: Ingersoll, Ontario
Hi all.
I don't come on this site as often as I should but here is something that might interest you.
I fish tourneys but they are all in NW Ontario and Manitoba for the most part. My partner lives in Winnipeg and we use his boat. Last fall he bought a 05 Pro V from a dealer and it had a 175 Yammy on it. He didn't buy the motor just the boat and trailer. I found him a 06 brand new e-tec 200 HO in Hamilton for very cheap. We shipped it to MB and he had it installed. This is the max HP for the boat. We used the new rig at the first Pine Falls Walleye Tourney and blew by everybody. Very impressive to say the least.
He puts the boat away for the winter and all is well. He and his wife also fish some Tourneys and the first one goes off great. They both go to a Tourney at Minaki, ON and out of the gate they are in line with everyone front and back because it is narrow and under a bridge. They are doing 45 mph and waiting to open it up when the motor breaks free of the steering and goes 90 degrees to the transom throwing my buddy out of the boat and his wife across the boat and under the steering console. My buddy is under along time but eventually comes up and because of the current catches on to the side of his boat. He isn't hurt but very confused and disoriented. He won't go near the back of the boat because he doesn't know what happened and his wife is pretty beat up and doesn't know he is hanging on to the side of the boat. They eventually figure out what has happened and the wife shuts the motor off. I should also point out that he wasn't wearing his tether but they were both wearing PFD. It was fortunate that as he was ejected out of the boat his hand was on the throttle and he managed to get the motor into neutral.
The one little bolt that connects the steering to the motor came out, that is all.
These two love Tourneys and decide to use the bowmount to get to shore get a new bolt and continue fishing placing well on day one. At this point I am thinking get a 24 and be happy.
Day two they head down the lake and get where they are going, the spot stinks so they go to move and no forward gear. They need to be back at weigh in at 3:00 so they must leave now using revers to troll their way back and unfortunately no fish.
So the lessons learned in priority are.
Check your rig for any wear or loosening of bolts.
Wear your PFD when moving faster than trolling speed or for that matter allways.
Use your tether.

A little more info. Nobody in Winnipeg wanted to do the warranty work on the gears which was 5,000.00. The guy doing the warranty work is in Gimli about 50 miles north of Winnipeg and tells my buddy that anything over 150 HP should have dual point or Hydraulic steering.
I must also point out that my partner his wife and myself love the e-tec and the Pro V, this was a bad rigging by a bad dealer, not a slight against a good product.
Cheers Clark

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:19 am 
Walleye Angler
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Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:32 am
Posts: 267
Location: Perth Ontario
Great to hear they are OK,

The kill switch tether strap is very important. I always have it around my wrist when the main motor is under power. First thing I thought of when reading the story was the motor did not have Hydraulic Steering or a dual linkage hookup, hopefully they will have that in the future.

I always do a walk around and check everything on my boat and trailer it is a very good habit for everyone to get into.

Once again it is great to hear they are OK and I am glad to see you share this story so others can be prepared or learn form the experience.

Fish On...
Sheldon Hatch
NPAA 928

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