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Quinte Fishing

Fishing Reports for the Bay of Quinte
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 7:01 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 14, 2005 12:21 pm
Posts: 150
We have good ice measuring anywhere’s from 4 to 5&1/2 inches in certain areas. I still say to those that are venturing out to take extreme caution there are a lot of bad area’s out there. Again I do know the bay and its bad habits. I know there are a lot of people out there wanting to venture out but I do know we need more cold nights before we can have a secure feeling. Once again I will remind all, that the fellows that report to me are the best on the ice and have been doing it for years longer than most. The one fellow is the top guide in the area and when he is telling his own clients to wait it out, I listen. To him safety is far more important than money. And my attitude is the same. I have been keeping a close eye on it my-self and trust me there are some real bad area’s that look good ,but when I can put my spud through with one good poke it is not worth it.
I will be out with some of the guy’s to-morrow and we are testing other areas that a lot of guys want to fish and I will let you know what’s up.
Yes there are guys out fishing ( boy do I know they are with the amount of minnows I’m going through)but theses fellows have been fishing out here for years and know what there doing but for people that fish once in a-while and new comers the best thing is to have some patience and I will let you know when we know it’s safe for all.
With all the phone calls and emails I keep getting I have to say I’m sorry for this type of info but I would not be able to live with the fact that I did not keep it as honest as I could, if something happens. Just think of it this way I am in retail and I need to sell to make a living and this winter has been hell on the pocket book but no amount of money is worth some-ones life.
If we keep making ice the way we are lately I’m speculating that next weekend should be a go.
Remember be safe have fun and go home with everything you took with you………….Ron

 Post subject: Stay dry
PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 8:28 pm 
Walleye Fingerling

Joined: Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:07 am
Posts: 71
Heading out fishing tommorrow morning, buddies of mine where out this morning in a spot I wouldn't think we would be fishing for another week or so but they said there is 5 inches out there. It is a tricky spot to get too though. My buddie lives on the bay and he's retired giving him lots of time to study the bay. He saved guys more than once that fell though the ice near the bad ice in front of his house, as I recall the latest story was about two guys who fell through and couldn't get out the guy with no floatation suit on was fighting for his life and the other guy with the floatation suit on was smoking a cigar waiting for help from my buddie. I actually heard another story from a fisherman I met this week , he fell through by the bay bridge awhile ago and he didn['t have a floatation suit on, he said he was almost gave up to get out of the ice. he gave it one more shot he went down to the bottom and plunged up toward the ice and finally got out far enough to pull himself out. He also he went through with the suit on when he fell through with in seconds he was standing back on the ice. I didn't read this more I guess they mustang recommened you go in the water with the suit on.
So I guess thats were you have to decide if 400 bucks is worth more than your life and it shouldn't take much thinking.

go to bed thinking of fish, wake up with stinky fingers

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:09 am 

Joined: Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:55 am
Posts: 140
Location: Pickering
hey Ron I was wondering If you could give me some safe areas that fish are being caught I will be coming down on saturday from bowmanville and want to make sure its safe enough Ice. I just came off lake Scuggog and there is a good 5-7" sled atv's and huts are out. Any info would be great thanks


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