a small fishing report and some out of towner view points.fished point anne boat launch friday afternoon,lots of perch ,no eyes.as stated earlier lots of ice,and i also met camo guy.he evened offerd me a ride on his 4wheeler but i declined,.saturday mornin went to shermans point.lots of ice again,no issue if i had brought my machine,walked out and joined the 20 or so people who where
there@sunrise.again lots of perch no eyes.fished till noon.sat eve fished @northport,asked a landowner if i may use his right of way,'jerry' said sure ,very friendly fellow also.caught 1 eye and a few perch in 20fow.another land owner even gave me a ride in on his 4 wheeler,great guy.didnt fish sun.morn when i left deseronto @7am it was almost a whiteout.not fishin in that enviroment by myself so i came back home.iim assumin that snowfall is responsible for the very limited parkin for ice fishin.northpoint launch wasnt even plowed out,same with deseronto launch.mabey somebody with a little pull could ask the local dpw to make sure the lots are open for icefisherman.you would think the local chamber's of commerce would make sure it was done.enough rantin be back in 2 weeks;and so long 4 now;john