Personally don't keep any fish over 20-21", but as others have said keep what you want. The purpose of this post was to let Dan know how I feel and what I felt the slot did to the fishery. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion,and to those of us who fish alot and are rather quite successful, I would think most of us would eat the tasty little ones when we have our choice, and fishing alot you lots of the times have that. Saying all of that I would like to see the slot back on and I think now after reading some of the other posts the idea of 3 under 22" and 1 over would be a great idea. Don't get me wrong, I personally feel the exact way about what goes on in our rivers and open waters with respect to natives and commercial fisherman as do most but until our gutless goverment does something about it this is a good measure to live by. Knowing how our goverment normally responds to the above aforementioned groups, someone has to do something to sustain our fishery!!!!!!!
100% club, remember to keep your eyes glued to your vex!!!!
Again just my opinion