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Fishing Reports for the Bay of Quinte
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 7:11 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 5:45 am
Posts: 7
I'm from out of town and have been following this site for afew weeks
now as I intend to attend the opener this weekend. I have been both
shocked and disgusted by some of the accusations thrown around on
this board, but... I could be wrong and ussually am but ... isn't the root
of the problem here illegal trade in fresh fish? If I'm right , then the
consumers are just as much a part of the problem as the harvesters.
I'm not on anybody' side here, just trying to understand. I can see why
we should be very concerned about the state of the fishery, look at
what the government has done with the Cod fishery on the east coast.
They seam to be equally adept at protecting the water , let alone fish!
This weekend, if I,m lucky enough to catch any fish, I will release the
slots, as well as the tropfies[ not good eating] and hopefully be left with
one or two small ones to enjoy out of the frying pan. Good fishing to
all , for now and for all time! Jingles.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 11:26 pm 
They seam to be equally adept at protecting the water , let alone fish!

not to be a spellchecker, but do you mean inept?


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2003 8:08 am 
You found "inept", but you were a little inept at finding "seam".

Kettle calling the pot black.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2003 9:39 am 
Collectively....we are all responsible, including MNR lack of direction, leadership. politicians, native and non native people, business, pollutions etc.

In an age of supposedly enlightened people and those that are self proclaimed stewards.....nothing short of "walking the walk.....and not just talking the talk" is on the right course. Very possible......everyone needs to begin getting on the same page. This is the difficult part, but not in any way impossible.

In this region, the most realistic approach to obtain results had already unofficially begun a number of years ago. Cooperation on projects is a start that will begin to endear and develop a relationship that has been strained since about 1993. The most well respected approach will be an understanding that is not hard and fast, but is a dynamic ever changing approach, given the current national polititical climate.

To expect wholesale change in law, will not be happening within the next decade, if not a lifetime. This massive project is not possible under the current and forseeable conditions. To think otherwise, is to not have an even remotely realistic understanding.

A lot can be just cannot be done with leadership that does not understand how to think and lead "out of the box".
ODG 8)

A great book to read is the "Art of Strategy". Written in about the 6th century, the connection with contemporary times is well undertood by some of the more creative and dynamic business, let alone military, community leaders.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2003 3:19 pm 
Firstly, the use of the term "redskin" in one post in this thread is unacceptably offensive and can not even remotely be condoned regardless anyone's level of frustration.

Secondly, I couldn't disagree more with ODG 's comment about not to expect wholesale changes to laws. Indeed, it isn't realistic or pragmatic to put all the eggs in one basket and lay the responsible for change on MNR managers, regardless their capability of thinking "out of the box". I say this for a couple of reasons. One, senior government mandarins routinely prohibit such behaviour by managers and two, the power "to get something accomplished" resides with all Ontario residents and more specifically Ontario fisherpersons. Proof of this latter concept was provided in an earlier thread that reported statements by Jerry Ouellette, Minister MNR, to the effect that he couldn't possibly reconsider the spring bear hunt issue because "at least two special interest groups" had threatened to oppose the election of conservative candidates if he did.

Some 83,000 fisherpersons and hunters are members of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. One would think that the OFAH would represent an excellent vehicle to harness and present membership viewpoints on this subject. However, how BOQ walleye are harvested is not a current or on-going issue for the OFAH (according to their web site).

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2003 5:03 pm 
Ahhh......a questioning mind. This is a good thing.

Taking an a step into the shoes and events I believe would be necessary in order to accomplish what you refer to, would have to entail something mush bigger. I have a sneaking suspicion that I do indeed understand your angle, I just think that this has to be national inscope. Every major hunting and fishing and assorted conservation organization alligned on one semi common front. "One people". Achieveable? Yes.....but I still maintain that this will not happen in this old mans lifetime.....and likley yours. The dynamics and how Canadian society typically operates is not ready.

I am glad that you are questioning...independent thought is remain convinced in my belief and see regional cooperation as the most realistic viable option for most areas in Canada.
ODG :lol:

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