From my vantage point I smell victory for those that harness the powers that be. It appears like an election will be forthcoming....and with it.....opportunity for parts of the outdoor community that are organized. THis is real and will be a few items to note. Ask and inisist on answers, assistance and accountability.
Haliburton now has a demi god in the form of our former MNR minister Chris Hodgson (Saint Chris I believe I hear whispered in the areas outdoor community).....tha cared......we need that kind of attititude and insistence on getting results and accountability. Big grants, big plans and mega results have all landed on Haliburtons doorstep on account of one man that dared to do....and not just talk.
Four positive items to note:
1) Pronvincially- it looks like there could well be a repeat in government.....this means a few things......all could be good except if a conservative gets in in the BOQ area at this juncture in time (weak candidates for the outdoor community....)
2) Gerry O.- Gerry has done the job. Like him or not, the man has done more for the resource in part of a term than "John the ranchand" had done. This man is worth the support. A full term (which would be a good move by the Premier) as MInister of Natural Resources, is a logical step given the learning curve and necessary interest to excel in this portfolio. 3) Ernie P.- now apparently the Natural Resources critic for the opposition, this man would be good for the area in any position; his knowledge base appears questionable.....but he will serve well; if he ever gets the big job.....he requires a sharp, or at least knowledgeable assistant (either way....this is a good thing for the outdoor community)
4) Leona D.- a very sharp lady that has done a good job; having a hasband in MNR (Bancroft office), has not really contaminated her; she gets my "alien" vote of confidence. Her opposition is weak on a good day, from the sounds of it.
I despise politics as nearly as much as I despise senior MNR beaurocrats (throw in all MNR deadwood staff). Sadly, this is part of the region and the provincal outdoors landscape. I just thought this would be a few items to note...pending an announcement that I suspect will be in the next few weeks. Give support to those that support the outdoors....and do not simply provide lip service or cater to "outdoor misfits".
Should ODG be in the running......I would have change in multiple staff and policy areas.....heaven help

. I want the business of MNR to be a business.....results....or move on.
Just some thoughts based on some recent behind the scenes observation stuff.......