Desided to fish the browns today. didnt know what to expect but figured we have all summer to chase after the walleyes but the window of oppertunity is closing on the spring brown trout trolling game and gerry no stranger to fishing but has yet to put a brown in his boat we figured lets give it a whirl and see how it goes.
After a slow start and one missed fish we finly hit onto a fish and Gerrys prayers were answered with a nice lake ontario brownie.

we passed up and down the shore line and finaly made it back to point a and on the second troll in almost the same spot we hit another fish this time it was my turn to bring in a nice brown making the score 1-1 and pretty much making the day a good one as the weather was beautiful the lake was calm and it wasnt a fluke by only catching one fish .

Couple more hours of trolling water and we called it a good day and headed home whats not to love about a day like today!

Thanks Gerry. as always it was a real pleasure spending time on the boat ... Grizz