Looking to clear out some stuff which hasn't been used or those items which were used were used very little - enough stuff to get most people set up for some big water fishing. Would be willing to trade this plus cash for a Vexilar, Humminbird, or Marcum;
Copper Rod Setup - $100
9' Shimano TDR Heavy Action c/w Okuma Convector CN 45D 250' of 45# copper c/w 150 yrds 30# Power Pro backing
Miscellaneous Tackle - most of this is NIB and never used - open to offers for individual items or $150 for all (> $300 + taxes for this stuff new)
Offshore Tackle stacker stripper/weight retreiver
2 x Blacks Releases
Gibbs 200' 150lb replacement downrigger cable
Monster Dipsey Rings
3 x large dipseys
One size 3/0 dispey (perfect for rainbows)
2 x Spin Doctor Flashers (black/chrome & white/crush/purple)
2 x Oki Big Shooter Flashers (blue/chrome & monkey puke)
One Jumbo Jet Diver
Large Herring Teasers
Baitrix 4 pc Herring glow strps
2 x Scotty Rod Holders + bases
Miscelleous stickers/etc
Offshore Tackle Planer Board - left side
Wiggles guitar is not included......
Troll-A-Matic Trolling Plate (these are $129.99 new) - $70 Best trolling plate on the market which, as indicated in the name, is fully automatic which doesn't require any cables to pull the plate up or down.
As stated, I would be willing to trade the lot for a flasher unit as well. Too much stuff in the house and given that I haven't used much of this, I'm sure that someone else could put this to good use. Probably have some other stuff laying around which I can throw in as well including some spoons.