Have a favorite lake you like to fish or camp at? These bathymetric maps make the perfect gift or piece of art to hang on your wall.
Bathymetric charts are the underwater equivalent of topographic maps.
Each map is made using baltic birch and is stained (or painted) to create gorgeous layers.
The charts give you a completely new view of your favorite waterways.
100’s of lakes and different sizes are available for custom order. ($65 for 8.5X11 maps)
Mazinaw, Opeongo, Sharbot, Silver, Simcoe, Great Lakes, Rideau, Bennet, Bob's, Desert etc.
I'm in the Ottawa area but can arrange shipping
Email me at
Delineatews@gmail.com or go to
https://www.facebook.com/Delineate-Wood ... 814210609/ to view some of the pieces i've already completed