In my opinion what I have found with fixed blade broadheads is that the shorter the profile the better they fly, just for example only, a 100 grain 3 blade thunderhead vs a wasp boss hammer 100 grain 3 blade (both fixed blade). The wasp is a fair bit shorter broadhead. The problem is the longer the broadhead the longer the blades are and the longer blades tend to want to over steer the vanes of your arrow and can be very difficult to tune and you get 3 identicle arrows with 3 identicle broadheads that want to fly 3 not so identicle directions from each other if not tuned properly. This is greatly reduced or eliminated with shorter profile broadheads in my experiance and ive played with not all of them out there but an awful lot of them since 1989. Some good examples of shorter fixed blade broadheads that have shot well for me off top of my head in no particular order are Wasp Boss Hammers and Wasp Boss Bullets, Slick Tricks, G5 Strikers, Interlock, and Muzzy. I prefer fixed blade over mechanicals but thats me ive had a few bad experiances with a few different mechanicals and im not gunna open a can of worms by listing them but if you want my opinions on a few of them you can pm me. I am however currently testing the NAP Bloodrunners and so far they would likely be the mechanical i would choose if i had to use one. One other thing is with fixed blade broadheads that will also help allot for accuracy in tuning is line up your blades of your broadheads with the vanes/fletching on the arrow so they are not fighting eachother steering the arrow and so all your arrows shoot consistantly if they are all lined up blades with vanes/fletching. If you have other questions feel free to post them or pm, there are no such things as silly questions when it comes to cleanly taking animals with bow and arrow.
Good luck and pratcie practice practice