This Sunday April 29th - 10am to 4pm - Military Firearm Display
We will have a display of military firearms dating from their early days of use to the current day. Thanks to the organisation of our members that are also members of Service Rifle this display will also include some fully functioning machine guns.
Please Note, these firearms cannot be fired on a civilian range and are for display purposes only. While the display tables will be roped off for security reasons, you may be able to handle these firearms with the owner's permission and supervision.
This will be a unique experience for most people and may be one of the few times that you will be able to see and possibly handle these firearms outside of a museum setting.
There will be no admission charge but we will provide a donation box and all funds received will be donated to the Air Museum in Trenton so your generosity, large or small, will be much appreciated and put to a good cause.
We also ask that you bring a non perishable food item that we will ensure gets shared amongst the local food banks.
Food and drink will be available.
Winter is over "almost" and it is time to start doing some tidying up around the range. We have scheduled 2 work days, as usual it is a Saturday one month followed by a Sunday the following month. The dates are:
Saturday May 26, 2012, from 8am until noon.
Sunday June 17, 2012, from 8am until noon.
As usual the club will provide lunch and refreshments for the volunteers. Additional reminders will be sent closer to the date.
Trap will be restarting after its winter break on Thursday May 10, 2012 starting at 4:30pm
Due to the lack of interest last year, I will attend the range but will not get every ready unless shooters turn up. Come and find me in the building or on one of the ranges if I am not at the trap field when you arrive.
Thanks and regards,
Bob Hunt (613)475-5224