First snow goose hunt.jpg
Well i when snow goose hunting for the first time with some great friends and had a awesome time there was 50000 snows there the night before in the field we hit but with the migration on they were moving from field to field over night which was making it a challenge to pattern these birds.Unlike the Canada goose these birds by far are a lot harder to hunt not to mention on the migration north they have already been shot at by the Americans already so they are aware of what is going on so when they don't like what they see they were out of there in a heart beat.It just so happens the snows just moved south and east of us that morning but we managed to get a few.I lost count of all the Canada's that were flying over but will be joining these guys again to hunt more snows for sure.They say the fall hunt it is a little easier to hunt them and the flocks are bigger coming in to the decoys hopefully we shall see as we are the first ones to shoot them up on the way South.We ended up with 7 snows and 1 blue goose.Enjoy!