I saw K.Hynes post last night for an open seat invite and thankfully no else had taken him up on it. We met in Picton at 7am and made our way out to Pryners cove launch. Arrived there to meet a few folks with the same plan. Launch was free of ice and no issues with getting boat in the water. A short 5 minute run and we start to set our first rods. Ken suddenly says "fish on", he didnt even have time to clip the board on. He had just let his line out and had set the rod down to pick up the planer board when it bit. Nice! I was hoping it was a hint of more to come. A few moments later and we are all set up and a board fires but it comes unbuttoned before we could take off the planer. Then we hit a double header. Ken lands his and mine comes off 20 feet from the boat. 2 for 4 fish. a short lul then they started up again and we hit a bunch more fish including another double and ended the day going 14/16 fish. Biggest was just over 11 with the bulk of fish around 8 lbs. We were off the water by 2pm. A couple of the fish bit the Rapala TT20 in blue/chrome, and all the rest of the fish came on white reef runners. Getting the bait down to 25-30 ft was key. Trolling speed was 1.3-1.5 Most times 200 ft line out. One of the fish had a treble hook in its mouth but no bait attached. The highlight of the day was having a treble hook buried past the barb on the web on back side of the thumb
and having to bring the barb back through the skin so Ken could cut it off with the side cutters.
Dan Elliot - A bad day on Quinte is better than a good day at work !!!