Well this year will be the 5th or is it 6th Annual Guys and Eyes weekend at Bay of Quinte. I say weekend but it usually extends a full 5 days, and Once again it looks like the conditions will be different from last year. The first year we were there there was an ice fishing village of permanent huts at Huffs. Once we figured out how to fish huffs the next year ice was sketchy. Then there was the year Huffs didn't even freeze. We've fished potters, big bay, huffs, shermans pt, Herc you name it but it seems every year the conditions are different than the last. That being said we have always had success with quinte hogs but have to work at it the first couple days to find out the pattern. From what I'm hearing on the board the ice is good again this year which opens up the entire bay for fishing. I've attached links to a couple videos from our previous years of fishing for you viewing pleasure because who doesn't like fish porn Right?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZY_hX3lTXGkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfR4HAyXIqkThis year we have a group of 4 guys Frozenflyguy, Randler, and AllInDan, including 4 go pro cameras and lots of gear so hopefully we will have some additional video after our trip late Jan. My question is weather there will be a permanent ice fishing village again this year at Huffs, and if you can buy shiner minnows anywhere or just the fathead minnows (mudminnows).