The Lake Ontario Management Unit at Glenora has decided to launch a new Angler Boat Diary program with the persuasion of a couple angling clubs along the Lake-shore. The information that we are trying to get is the number of angling hours that we are racking up while targeting browns in the spring and early summer. We will continue entering data also through summer salmon season and into the fall. With these diaries, there is no measuring required as in the past. Just simple data recording.
I have diaries for those interested and you can also contact:
Michael Yuille; MSc
Assessment Biologist
Lake Ontario Management Unit
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Glenora Fisheries Station
41 Hatchery Lane, RR#4
Picton, ON, K0K 2T0
Tel: 613.476.2746
Fax: 613.476.7131
This will be valuable info for the Lake Unit as we are trying to develop Athol Bay and the surrounding waters into a superb brown trout fishery. As far as I am concerned, it is one of the best of 2 or 3 habitats on the Ontario side of the Lake. Reason being that with the south-westerlies, the north/south shorelines of the County heat up with warm water first. There is a good forage base in the warm near-shore waters to produce great growth rates. Now is your chance. We need your help.
Al Van Dusen
Captain - Team ATOMMIK/Rockets