I have a one piece keep a float and have used itfor the last 4-5 yrs and its held up well and I would recommend it, good purchase. It is surprisingly warm but with a floater suit you aren't getting it for warmth you get it because it's a coast guard approved PFD and can save your life. I personally don't use my outerware for warmth, I use it for wind and waterproof qualities then I layer underneath for warmth. If you are looking for warmth there are non PFD suits that are fully insulated and provide more warm and there are some cross over suits that have floatation and insulating properties but are not CG approved because they don't have the same level of flotation of a true floater suit. Lots of options and a wide price range, I wouldn't get too hung up on the price though because a good suit should last you 8-10 yrs, so the cost per year difference is negligible. Most of the 2 piece non PFD and crossover suits have better functionality for ice fishing than the one piece suits. Lots of pockets etc. Clam, Frabill, Striker Ice all make quality products. I also own a two piece non PDF clam icefishing suit but it's not fully insulated it's just a shell which as I said above I prefer, because I can dress according to the weather and use it in the fall and spring for open water fishing.