First, I had some guys PM yesterday and I hope the info was helpful. Someone in the Wager thread wondered way I didn't post a public ice report and the reason is that once it's out there, who knows who is reading it. A report that says the ice is probably ok in one area could be interpreted that its ok in another. At this point in the season, that's a dangerous assumption that could be made by less experienced anglers.
Myself and a couple of others struck out from Wagers Farm around 3:15. There were three or four clams to the east of the parking lot about 200-250 yards and we headed west and went out about 150. The one young lad had three hits and three misses on a gold and silver Williams while I iced and released a 4 pound pike that fought well and bit on a mr champ. The ice- there is some good stretches of hard black ice that ranges from 3.5 to 5 inches thick. The farther out we went, the thicker it seemed to get. The issue is the black ice is deprecated by swathes of gray slushy looking drift ice. It was solid when we went out but two good whacks with a spud and you were into slush and then through. This means that tomorrow and especially tommorow afternoon, these spots and stretches will be very dicey. Complicating things further, the snow built up pretty good today so the drift ice patches (which can be as wide as a few feet or 15 yards wide) will be obscured. The drift ice is especially built up closer to shore. On the way in tonight, due to 2-4 inches of snow accumulated, I ended up walking over a stretch of drift ice I purposely avoided in the daylight when we were heading out. Definitely not a good feeling, especially hearing the cracking under your feet.
Outlook- I'm hardcore, but I would have a really tough time going out tomorrow in heavy rain and plus 9. If you could see the ice, you could navigate it somewhat and stick to the black, but the snow and slush will make that tough if not impossible. The drift ice- slush is palatable for me when it's been cold, but it will loosen up tomorrow for sure.
What ever you decide to do, stay safe, spud everywhere and have a buddy with you. Good luck.