Fry Flier wrote:
TintWizard wrote:
If your 2 man Sub Zero carrier bag doesn't make it back to you, you are welcome to my Sub Zero carry bag . It's for a 4 man but it'll not be as hard to pack lol.
I don't need it anymore since my shelter was stolen a couple of weeks ago. Your welcome to it
Thanks I will hold off for a bit just in case mine is found.
No time for thieves, they should be used for bait chum. A lot of stuff taken from the ice this year for the amount of people not fishing due to snow.
How is the new venture doing?
It's going good. Literally changing lives for the better with it. I'm doing some neat stuff with chakra balancing and guided meditation as well with the Neuroptimal technology to reach a more efficient "zen" but that's for another forum lol
I've been working with folks with the winter blues ( the ones that don't icefish lol ) dementia prevention and focusing on brain training for athletes . Cool stuff . Quite a bit different than the tinting business