Every thing i have seen done, has been done on the local club level, i don't think you could ever get the mnr to get involved in this.
I think its more of a time thing then money, i think a few hundred bucks would go a long way. found a mnr right up on it. seems pretty legal, even encouraged the way i read it.
http://www.creditvalleyca.ca/wp-content ... sh_hab.pdf1. CREATING OR ENHANCING A SPAWNING BED
Spawning beds can be scarce in some waterbodies. But
before improvements can be made, you’ll need to
know what species of fish you’re dealing with and
what their spawning requirements are. For example:
• northern pike: seasonally flooded marshes and
wetlands near grassy hummocks
• trout & salmon : stream channels or riffle areas with
clean gravel-cobble substrate
• bass & panfish: pea gravel in shallow littoral areas
(bass will also use artificial spawning boxes)• walleye: cobble-rubble in fast-flowing streams or
wind-exposed shoals of lakes
In addition to creating or enlarging spawning beds, you
can improve habitat by cleaning silt, debris and algae
away from existing sites. You can also open or clear
springs and groundwater seepage areas favoured by
spawning brook trout. Hoses with high-pressure pumps
are effective in cleaning spawning shoals for lake trout,
walleye and bass.