I sent the question to someone in the MNRF and received the following:
"Thank you for the question, other anglers have also asked the same thing.
The short answer is - anglers can only use 1 line in the upper Bay of Quinte (unless ice fishing). The line between the upper and lower Bay of Quinte is the Glenora Ferry.
The Ontario Fishery Regulations, 2007 (SOR/2007-237) - which in part, is what the Ontario Fishing Summary is based on, says in Part 4 Section 7 for FMZ20: one line only in the Bay of Quinte lying west of the Glenora Ferry to the western entrance of the Murray Canal
Here is the link to the actual regulations
http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regu ... .html#h-27"
to keep anyone for searching here is the actual link to part that is about 2 lines:
http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regu ... ora#sched4Even after reading the full regulations it still reads the same as the summary. I replied suggesting it be amended to avoid future confusion: "By reading them anyone would assume the bays I mentioned (Hay Bay, Bygotts Bay, Carnachan Bay and Mohalk Bay) are not part of the exclusion. By drawing a line to the north from the either port of the Glenora ferry these specific spots are all east and could be easily challenged. This should clearly be amended to say "all waters North of the Glenora ferry path to the western entrance of the Murray Canal" if that is what it is to be interpreted as."
My opinion is to just use one line beyond the ferry ports unless you are a lawyer and up for a personal challenge. If you are let us know how that goes