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Fishing Reports for the Bay of Quinte
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 Post subject: Assessing the Season
PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 2:30 pm 

Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:48 pm
Posts: 92
Location: Littleton, CO
This is probably something a good outdoor writer would have fun with, but since I'm not there to do it, thought it might be a good idea if many of those who fished the Bay frequently this ice season could give an assessment of the year. In other words, how would you rate the season, the catch, the conditions compared w/ previous years.

Once they are in, if someone knows a local outdoor writer, you might give him/her these opinions to write a brief piece about the season. If not, at least all of us can enjoy reminiscing about the year.

I'm a curious guy anyway, so I'd love to hear what you frequent anglers have to say. Thanks for sharing.

Rocky Mountain Man

 Post subject: yep another year passes
PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 12:44 pm 
Walleye Master

Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:31 am
Posts: 3058
Location: Wellington Ontario
......... Im suprized no one has posted to this board......... must be polishing lures, and putting away hard water gear, and wishing the darn ice will melt soon!
I guess this is a brag site but im not one for bragging but i love the idea of this thred. ive found the time so ill give up a little on my side of the season. Since i live in NY i dont fish every day . Up There anyways! but i do make it up at least once a month so ive cought plenty canadian fish this year ... first off shore for perch,,,,,, maybe cought a 1000 this year. i do know a few hot spots ive found but youll have to follow me to find out just were :)
then come april sometimes ill flat line for rainbows in a few places ive found... caught a few of them too.. then the small lakes, east and west lake out in the county........... few hundred fish on my boat . you name it i cought it ......MINUS..... the elusive musky.......... humm the docks of wellington, and picton harbor were very nice to me this year...... 30 or 40 nice walleye over the season. summer time i cought a few nice cats and some nice pike off myers pier, along with a few walleye! . ice fishing was great . i stayed in two places mainly because i had all the good quality fish i could muster up in the time i had to fish! 30 walley from picton bay this fall 2 pounds up to 12...... i kept 20 fish this year . all young stock walleyes . i have 6 feletts left in my freezer and today is friday so the suply is going fast!
............. I snatched two salmon in the river in belleville just to have the fight.......... i know i know. snatching is bad they do it in the states.... and i do put them scanky fish right back where i found them......... on the state side i cought 50 of them since i go past salmon river on my way up to the county. they all go back to........... you want good eating eat pan fish!
........... so to sum it up in a heart beat i say thank you canada , my money........ in the 1000's....... was very well spend......... fair estamate is 1500 fish, 20 walleyes kept........ maybe 100 perch and crappies combined. and all the rest went back in for a later date yet to be deturmined......... happy hunting guys........ ill look for you when the ice breaks up!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 9:49 am 
Walleye Wisdom
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Joined: Tue Oct 29, 2002 11:25 pm
Posts: 510
Location: Kanata, Ontario
Grizzly if you haven't learned anything while on this board you should know this by now :lol: :lol: :lol:

The locals will NOT divulge to much info in respect to the ice season. They don't want to be over-run..


 Post subject: Nice...
PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 12:02 pm 
Walleye Master

Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:31 am
Posts: 3058
Location: Wellington Ontario
......... Its a dog eat dog world out there. and we are all wearing milk bone underwear! ....... better yet i like to think of the old saying that what comes around, goes around! .......... like the time i was out deer hunting in New York and i run into a guy from Quebec hunting.. he smiles. and asks me where the good deer hunting is? . i could only laugh and smile and tell him im not really in the habbit of hunting in bad areas , and im hunting right now! . we both laughed ! i told him im heading off in this direction and if i had a freind with me id tell him to go right over to that corner and stand . (I know thru experiance what the deer like to do) .told him im making a loop will be back in an hour......... 45 minutes later i hear him shoot! i smiled. shook my head and said man wonder if he got that 10 pt............... he got a nice NY State 6 point.......... i helped him drag it to the road!
At 17 i shot at hit and tracked my fist Buck. thru pressure my liver shot deer ran right to a hunter with a brand new hunting outfit, with a brand new shot gun.... he must have been around 40ish i think...... 5 shots later and my fatially wounded deer layed dead at his feet less than 150 years from where i shot him..... and he was one happy hunter...... that was HIS DEER ! ........... it was a 4pt buck! .... How would you make the call? . im cerious?
Better to teach and educate, than to bitch and complain!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 5:45 pm 
Walleye Angler

Joined: Sun Apr 14, 2002 7:18 am
Posts: 252
Location: Napanee/Ont.
Wall-I-Guy wrote:
Grizzly if you haven't learned anything while on this board you should know this by now :lol: :lol: :lol:

The locals will NOT divulge to much info in respect to the ice season. They don't want to be over-run..
Well i'm one "local" that does not mind telling you that this was one of the better ice fishing season's that I have seen. A lot of different size walleyes this year.

LG Mckeown ,Bacon&Eggs-- A lifes commitment for a pig and only a days work for a chicken!

 Post subject: hey wall eye guy
PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:13 am 

Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:45 pm
Posts: 29
hey buddy,how do us locals not give out info :x .who tells you how much ice there is where and where the fish are biting before you come down here.all the guys fishing the bay everyday that live in the area.if it was not for this board and guys like skevy and the rest of the good men who put in true reports.their would have been alot more people not make it back from there fishing trip.dew to really iffy ice conditions.These guys spent there own time making sure we all knew where to go fishing and catch lots of fish safely.SO YOU SHOULD BE THANKING THESE PEOPLE!! all the forms were about where the fish were biting and were the ice was.not i went fishing last night and seen a deer.i don't come on this site unless i have info or need info.people have lifes there not gonna sit on this form typing away to those who can't fish when they can.GET REAL BUD DO YOU TELL PEOPLE WHERE THE HOLE YOU CAUGHT YOUR BIG 12LBS OUT OF YESTERDAY IS.SO THEY CAN GO FISH IT.these is why i stoped posting where i was geting fish.cause guys like you make you feel like your wasteing your time.good luck on future info wall-i-guy :lol:

 Post subject: read the forms
PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:18 am 

Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:45 pm
Posts: 29
read the forms they usally say it all.

"you just have to read"i can tell it was a could season just by reading the ONE form from martycoo with all the pics.

 Post subject: great board
PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 11:06 am 
Walleye Master

Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:31 am
Posts: 3058
Location: Wellington Ontario
.. Hey i agree, i like this board or i wouldnt come here...... ive learned, and ive shared information. correct me if im wrong but isnt that what this is about? . beg for info, and brag about the good times........wall-i-guy. ive learned alot, and i owe some of it to this board :wink: . ill be checking out your waters come spring i know a real hot perch spot from shore i learned all on my own one day so anyone wanna go perch fishing in a few weeks you just let me know.......... we will hook up , and stock our freezers :lol:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:51 pm 

Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:45 pm
Posts: 29
i like you grizz you seem like a real decent guy we should get out some time for a fish.and like you said you learn alot from this board.and get alot of good tips and pointers.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 7:09 pm 

Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:45 pm
Posts: 29
and since i have a bit.My season was pretty good.got skuned 2 times.biggest fish was 13.5lbs,caught 14 eyes this season lots of perch.only saw one pike caught.i also fish 1hr north of belleville for lake troute and splake at my cottage.caught 32 lake troute this season and i still have this weekend to fish and then i have to have my hut off the lake by wedsday march 15th.i was debating on going out and trying for pike in the boq.but i'am gonna call mnr to make sure its legal.anyway thats my season.

p.s.watched the frontend of a truck go threw the presure crack at hercamer while i was fishing.that really the only accedint i witnessed.there propley would of been plenty more if it was not for THIS SITE.so thanks to all of the guys who take there personal time to give great reports and info.so that guys like me can have a safe and enjoyable day on the hard water.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:44 am 

Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:48 pm
Posts: 92
Location: Littleton, CO
Since I started the thread, I want to thank those of you who did post here and throughout the year. To the guy who said if it wasn't for this site and folks (particularly the locals) who shared where to go and, more importantly, where to stay away from ... there would have been a few more floating bodies.

As a statesider who is no longer a virgin when it comes to fishing the Bay ... I thank ya'll. See you next year. :)

Rocky Mountain Man

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