Yeah, keeping a hole attended or marking it is just unrealistic. On top of that it would be a miracle to prove who's hole it was. We all take a risk when we step on that ice. There are things we can do to minimize those risks. Fish with a buddy, wear a float suit, spud, everyone should have 25 ft of rope in their sled, keep a whistle or small air horn on your person, have a set of hand spikes, research the area prior to going, let ppl know where exactly you plan to fish, and most of all common sense. Bottom line is be respectful, carry your trash out , you don't have to give an ice report but if you know an area is bad, then letting as many folks know as possible is courtesy. I mean how many people carry a length of decent rope that might save themselves or another? A tiny air horn could save your life if you went through or get the attention of someone who is headed to ice you know is bad. Small cheap preventative measures. Be safe and enjoy but remember that no fish or amount of fish is worth a bad situation.
U.S.C.G. Licensed Captain
Pure Fishing Ambassador