Tylercurt wrote:
Hi guys, looking at seeing if there is any interest in hosting a 2 Day Ice fishing event for some Vets. I put together a summer event in July and it went well with the help of some board members and friends (9 vets and 9 boats). I suggested a winter outing to the Rep from Soldier On and he said he was ok if we could get the numbers and safe ice. I am looking for a 1-1 ratio if possible so what would be needed is: hut if possible, rods and tackle and heater, I have no idea the condition of the vets but they will have to be mobile as they have to move around on the ice. I am looking at mid February and hoping the ice will be good, planning on Hay Bay (usually good ice) as they might be staying at perfect Vue, if not Belleville area as they might be accommodated on the base in Trenton. This will be held MID WEEK so either Tuesday-Wednesday or Wednesday-Thursday, have to see how the logistics work out. It would also be nice if someone with a sled or quad could help as well, be nice to have a warn path out a few hundred yards from the launch. Looking at fishing 8-12 break for lunch then fish 1-3? This will be a great opportunity for some to get out on the ice and try something new and meet some new friends. This is just a feeler to see if there is interest, if you are interested or you have any questions please email me at
tylercurt@hotmail.com or reply below
Thanks again
I'm interested also. I was hoping to be involved with the summer one but I was out of the area (last minute thing). I have a 4 seater side by side with tracks, so as long as there is good ice, I can help shuttle people to their holes as well.