bubblebuster wrote:
GM's and all other American cars aren't any good in my experience. I'll only buy Japaneses.
I met a guy from one of the middle east countries who flatly said Canadians make junk & "we" don't buy Canadian junk . Maybe he's right . I retired from GM 25 yrs.ago , no bonus $$$ , just a pension with benefits & cola . Ten yrs. ago , after the "bankruptcy" GM took much of our benefits away & we fall behind every year , even though they made billions in profit . Toyota pays well with benefits , about $30 per hour , but it's ok as they are
not unionized , yet... GM had about 200,000 retirees to pay , Toyota had none .
Nobody mentioned the biggest part of the layoffs....the 7-8 jobs that are tied in with GM . Most are not union jobs but would take the hit ....the truck drivers who supply the plants , the restaurants where truckers eat , and hundreds of other businesses that those workers patronized . The spin off is huge . Labour costs have been about 7% & coming down as GM started using robots in the 80's .
So GM owes us money ? How much income tax have those 50,000 workers plus the spin off workers paid over 10 yrs. ? How much sales tax has the gov't grabbed from them (like $4000 per vehicle average) . Remember this about unions , they need a vote of over 50%
to be certified , unlike our governments who can control the country with less than 40 % . Right to work legislation ? Yes , reap the rewards the union guys fought for , same wages & benefits ? It would never work in the same plant. The union haters would rather see higher wages go down than get a raise themselves ?? Someone has to lead labour . If anyone making $14 thinks their job can't go to Mexico or China , it can ! Want to boycott GM ? Go ahead & put many more "other" people out of work, then you can complain some more when they take more U.I. and tax from your wages . The snowball effect can come back to bite us all .