There's a lot of discontent about GM for sure . Some of the GM retirees I know drive Toyotas & Hondas for various reasons ,but mostly because pensions were gutted in 2010 . I wouldn't even consider buying a new vehicle now . My Astro van is 21 yrs. old & the "shopping car" is 13 yrs. old . If I had a much larger income I would be buying a F-150 4x4 ....not a Mexican GM product. When I entered the work force back in the early 60's , well paying jobs were plentiful ....lots of manufacturing plants here & there was a slogan , "buy Canadian" ...and we lived a good Canadian life . Then , the corporations decided to go Global because anything could be made cheaper in Asia , and governments allowed it ti happen . We will never compete with slave wages & communist countries . We may soon be able to buy a cheaper e.v., made in China by ....G.M. And .....we have the robots which will eat up millions of jobs . They are using them now to fill pot holes .