Walleyeslayer2015 wrote:
The title of your post is FALL FISHING. You are looking for info on SPLAKE FISHING. Maybe you have so many views but little feedback due to the misleading title. I, myself, clicked in this post to read and enjoy some fall fishing stories, info, or insight. Fishing forums aren’t dying, as you stated. This forum is very active, especially in the warmer months when more people can get out on the water. I happen to work a full time job and don’t have this forum on the top of my daily “to do” list. We all have lives to live and can log on to this forum when our free time is available. Keep posting and sharing your stories and information and eventually you’ll get the feedback you’re looking for. A suggestion for next time: make your topic title more specific to the information that you’re sharing or seeking. It’ll reduce confusion and people won’t be trying to get “free” information on SPLAKE. A majority of the people on this site are here for the walleye info, not SPLAKE.
Fair enough. I did post some nice quinte walleye caught in the last 2 weeks