Hey Superdad, hope you're enjoying the season thus far. I also love to throw a cc shad over the side at times, as we have for the past many years. Seems as the water warms up, those crankbaits heat things up with the walleye. Look forward to a couple trips out off Belleville in the next week or so, working the weedlines. I agree with your comment regarding Tail Dancers, they have fast become my favourite lure for trolling behind planer boards. The past couple years we've taken many more walleyes than in previous years, trolling Tail Dancers almost exclusively. This is a lake near Ardoch where many fisherman have complained the walleye fishing has declined. The 15 to 18 ft. depth they travel at (with a couple split shot) and the Hot Chub/Tennessee Shad colours seem to be the ticket in this stained water lake. Sometimes, a change of tactics is the key. Keep those reports coming guys!