A big west wind is blowing today and here in Amherstview near the mouth of Collins Bay there are 3 foot rollers coming down the North Channel from the west. Windguru says high winds today for at least 24 h, sustained winds 40 kph, gusts 70 kph.
My guess is that this storm will blow all of the ice out of the North Channel from Upper Gap to Kingston by the time it's done.
The good news is that you might be able to launch a boat at Finkel's next week.
This wind storm might temporarily raise water levels at this end of Lake Ontario by something like a foot. This will affect the current in Long Reach. It might also set up a seiche in the big lake as the water sloshes back and forth. The seiche will cause the current in Long Reach to fluctuate over a period of hours. I've seen this effect before when fishing Long Reach. The website below has a good explanation of what a seiche is.
Long Reach has been dicey all year and today's wind storm ain't going to help.