of Dawgs...
For several weeks (?) we've watched a Net Series called "Sailing with Nandji" (or something similar). Star of the Show is a remarkable Pooch named Marley - a "Humpback Whippet". We may not have spelling or punctuation correct on the Pup, but he is one VERY capable Puppy Dawg.
Along with Marley, the Series features two young Aussies (she turned 22 halfway thru the nearly 200 episodes), and they are trying to 'Sail the World' in an elderly 40' yacht (Nandji)... obtained for $13,000 cash if we correctly recall. The stuff they encounter (and/or survive) is fairly remarkable.
Have a peek if interested. It IS entertaining, and herself is 'charming'. PLEASE don't climb all over us about the lack of clothing - it's bloody HOT where they are, in the Indian Ocean, said The "MCP".
(Link above.)
Disclaimer: the Aussie Accents may take some getting comfy with. Just sayin'.
Hugs, Wordpecker