I wrote a few post, only to have them turned into a political or aggressive site. The first was if docks would be open, and it turn into a sh-- show, people telling people what to do, or to be put down on their views. The second was my catch of the day, only to turn into a fishing reg fight. DURING THIS BS PANDEMIC , IT SEEMS NO ONE HAS NICE THINGS TO SAY OR ARE TO WOKE OR POLITICAL. Why can't we just talk fishing, like where you caught, how many, new equipment, instead of all the so called ministry of natural resources officers telling us what is what. Listen if a person does bad , than he or she has big shoulders to take the punishment. Lets get back to what this site, at least that is my perception was suppose to be. And remember, giving away the spot you fish doesn't mean all fish will be caught and gone. Their is lure presentation, technique, and right place right time. A lot just want info before they take that drive. That is my 2 cents. Good luck and keep enjoying the outdoors.