.......... great post........... you guys did well.......... and thats the reason you keep returning, also to once again get together \with the friends you have made over the years fishing on the BOQ ........... As the assassin said. pays to have thick skin when posting this board

. was also nice to see the catcher say we are fishermen who know the bay even though we DONT live on the bay or even in Canada for that matter......... we do it for the love of the sport. who else would drop a grand, drive 300 miles , and sit in sub zero tempatures to catch fish........... maybe more should think about that............... its like a vacation to us, so having fun on your vacation is what its all about! . i guess thats just too hard for some to register. when they see a group of guys out on the ice having fun. they seem to pick on the negitive, and then bring it up here as well. we out of towners just naturlly get the bad rapp like every bag of garbage or pile of tim horton cups you see left on the ice or the parking lot must come form american people who could care less weather there is any ... walleye left in the bay when we leave for home ...... thats so very wrong to think that way, but it seems some just cant help showing there ignorance............. but as they always say one bad apple can spoil the bussel ........... i guess its true but thats not gonna stop me form saying hello. or sharring my thoughts, or giving up info to them who ask ..... and on that note i agree with martcoo.......... there is some damm big cats in that bay......... if i had to bet, my bet would go there. turning a cat with heavy pole, and line is hard to do in open water .almost impossible thru a 10 inch hole in the ice!