The reason for no live wells is to prevent culling. As we know, fish kept in a live well for any length of time, then released, have a higher chance of mortalilty. If any of you have fished Lac Seul reservoir & MAPB lakes, Area 30 & 31, you are not allowed to have any live fish on board (coolers, wells, etc.). You must kill the fish immediately that you plan to eat.
This has proven to be very successful, in conjunction with the slot limit of 18" to 21" mandatory release and a four fish limit, the average walleye catch size has gone up, as well as numbers, over the years!!!! Four proficient people in a boat, in the right area, can easily C & R 500 fish a day. This is the intro into 'barbless'
Since we are releasing so many fish, we all fish barbless for ease and simplicity. We only bring a fish into the boat for pictures or the table. Normally we just lean over the side of the boat, pop the barbless hook out and ol' eye just swims away without leaving the water. No fuss, no muss!
The problem with barbless hooks is that they will penetrate deeper than a barbed hook. Eg. an eye' hooked in the upper mouth, 1/2 to 3/4's the way to the throat. This barbless hook has now gone right into the brain. This fish is going to die, even though it swims away with no evidence of it's mortality.
When comparing barbed hooks to barbless, the problem lies in the stress the fish goes through when removing a barbed hook. If we, as fisherman, become more proficient at removing barbed hooks properly, studies show that barbed hooks are not as bad as some make them out to be!
When fighting a fish hooked barbless, you must become a better fisherman, keeping your line tight at all times when fighting the fish to the boat, as it has a higher chance of getting off.
Have a great fishing season, ladies & gentleman!!!!!!!