Rocky Mountain Man wrote:
I thought there was a place on this site for "advertising" of businesses.
Ya there is.... And they pay for it..... so they can advertise anywhere.....
BTW, Pete was just spreading the word to inform other anglers of great deals.... He does not work for, nor is paid by Carra's.......
On a side note, do a little research, the subject has come up in the past and has been resolved.
And here's some more advertising.
When Carra's first opened I needed a pair of boots ASAP and we found a manufacturers flaw in the boots I wanted. I was told to buy the boots, use em, and after I was finished, bring them back and they would be replaced. I was kinda leary of this as the store was new in town, but I needed boots, so I did it anyway.
So.... one year later I show up to talk about getting my "flawed" boots replaced. However, I didn't have the boots with me, and was told they no longer make this model, so they were replaced with a more expensive, better quality boot right on the spot. I said I would bring the flawed ones back, and was told if I could get any use at all out of them, to keep them, as they would just be thrown out.
Customer service beats price any day!!