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Fishing Reports for the Bay of Quinte
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 9:56 am 
My old Sears aluminum boat is nearing the end of its life. I am looking at acquiring a 14 foot Lund fishing boat.

Does anyone own a lund boat of this nature and has your experience with it been good? There are so many brands out there, princecraft, legend. lund ..it is sometimes hard to pick.



 Post subject: Lund Boat
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 12:33 pm 
My experience has been when you're dealing with a boat of that size, with basic functionality look at the hull warranty to make a comparison. To be honest, there's no need to pay the high price tag for a Lund at that level. You can't go wrong with a Princecraft, which is Canadian made, affordably priced, and will handle most conditions. Other brands to compare are Crestliner, Starcraft and Smokercraft in that size range. If you are going for a motor too, pay the few bucks more and buy 20" transom, with a longshaft motor. Saved me from getting soaked a few times in choppy water. Hope this helps.
Tight lines.

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 Post subject: Lund Boat
PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 12:38 pm 
BTW, neglected to mention I have a Discovery Marine 14ft. (no longer made) with a 20 Merc on the back. It's been a great boat for me. Deep and wide, very stable. First small aluminum with welded bow. 10 years on the water with nary a leak and about 2,000 lbs. of fish to show for it.

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 Post subject: v-149 legend
PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 12:34 pm 
I have a legend. v-149, 20 merc, long shaft. Had it for about three years now. Basic aluminum, v hull, wide extrmelly low maintenance, unlike the wife and kids. Comes with its own livewell and pump. Customised it a bit over the years, lights, seats, bells and whistles. Big enough for my young family all to fish, fast enough to get out over the reef on Nipissing and to get back damned quickly when the wind picks up. Small enough to get it into most lakes relatively easy. Depending on what you want, Legend has a great selection - check out their "Ex" series. Would recommend it!

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 Post subject: Boat
PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 3:48 pm 
I also have a Legend, a 165 Sportfish with a merc 40Hp with fishing package. Had it for 10 years with no maintenance on the boat or problems. The Staider (may not be spelt correct) went in the Merc stranding me on Lake Ontario for a couple of hours before a tow came along but other than that and with normal maintenance, it has been fine. I use the boat on Ontario (with care and an eye out for weather and winds) and on most other lakes Quinte size.

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 Post subject: Lund 14 footer
PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 2:30 pm 
Walleye Wisdom
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Joined: Fri Apr 26, 2002 7:41 pm
Posts: 789
Location: Belleville Ontario
I ended up puchasing a Lund WC-14 last year. I only
other boat I looked at was a princecraft. The princecraft
was comparable in quality and pricing. The Lund just locked

I may have been slightly biased though. My other boat is a
Lund 1775 Pro-V SE rigged to death for Walleye.

Stay away from wood bench seats unless they are of good

Good luck in your selection. Make sure you order the correct
boat to match either a short shaft or long shaft motor.

I just came back from a little casting for Browns. No luck.


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 Post subject: 14ft boat
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 8:56 pm 
Hey CR-
Some thoughts on the boat- most major brand name boats will serve you well-the key is in getting a boat that is wide and deep.Rivets or welded construction doesn't matter either as long as it hasn't been too badly abused. Motor brand makes no difference IF you buy new-used, get it checked by someone who knows what they are doing(ie., a mechanic)
Back to the boat-the other thing you want is a floor-they add a lot of weight but make fishing alot more enjoyable. Good luck!

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 Post subject: Lund 14FT
PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2003 7:30 am 

Joined: Sun Dec 01, 2002 3:54 pm
Posts: 27
Location: Scarborough, Ontario
I bought a 16 Ft Princecraft eight years ago. I wanted a Lund but just did have the extra $'s to spend. I have taken my Princecraft all over, from South Carolina to Northern Ontario and fished in all conditions including breaking ice this last December 21 in BOQ.

The boat has served me well, although it is beginning to show signs of wear and tear including a small leak.

However, I still wished I had bought a Lund.

If there is something that you really what and can somehow afford it, then buy it!

Enjoy Life. :lol:


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