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Quinte Fishing

Fishing Reports for the Bay of Quinte
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PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2003 8:57 pm 
Heading up in a couple of weeks.

Could use the help.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2003 5:47 am 
Boating traffic looked light in that area on the weekend. I spoke to some visitors from NY state that had fished that area....and only caught one smallish walleye (2-3 pds).

I have read a number of posts by you Speedtroll.....and am impressed. Your interest in various fisheries is appreciated.
Tight Lines
Don Stokes

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2003 1:40 pm 

Joined: Tue Apr 30, 2002 3:46 pm
Posts: 6
Fished Thurs-Saterday evinings near the lighthouse there was TONS of boats,and lots of fish-they seemed to turn on anywhere from 7:30-11:30.

2 of us got 5 or 6 each night.My partner landed 2 over 10pds Fri{10.6;10.1}.Smithwicks seemed to be the choice,also Huskey Jerks.

Got some nice eaters near the mouth of the river {drifting spinners} in the mornings.

 Post subject: THE NARROWS
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2003 7:52 pm 
We were up over the weekend from Sat. to Monday nights and fished Telegraph Narrows all three nights. We caught 7 legal pickerel with two over the slot and the rest under the slot with two under the slot released.
We had one that took the "fish pool" at 32" by a "rookie" who was more excited than bagging a 12 point buck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, he followed it up with a 27" pickerel just a few minutes later, this one was released.
We were trolling CC ratlin shads and the pool winner was caught on a excalibur lure that was a shallow diver and when he hooked the fish he was convinced it was the bottom!!!!! Moments later they netted the fish and he hasn't stopped smiling since. Since he's 65+ years old and this is the largest fish he's ever caught it seemed appropriate that his son volunteered to have the fish mounted for his Dad's birthday.
The remainder of our group were happy with a few pickerel under the slot and another writer was right on when he said it was busy, especially Sunday evening with many boats present in the Narrows.
Hope everyone has a good season and be safe out there.

 Post subject: Thanks guys
PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2003 10:14 pm 
Info is much appriciated.

Don, thanks for the kind words. I must say, I and many others appriciate all the hard work you put in on this board and this fishery as well.
Keep up the great work.
Our crew is heading up June 1-4. I wouldn't mind getting together for a pop if you have the time.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2003 6:48 am 
Hi Speedtroll:
Let me know a time and location for the pop. I will drop by to say hello. Everything regarding the success of posters fishing at night seems right on track for your fishing enjoyment. Just be careful, given obstacles and water in and around the Narrows.

Regarding the board; I try and help, because I feel it is a must, in this and so many other great fisheries across Canada. I choose this type of forum at present, given that the user is generally interested in learning and is likley communicating with other "avids". Doing nothing or piecemeal actions, is not an option to me, when it comes to many of the areas of concern spoken about. I want and expect the best possibilities for any area, with whatever conditions are faced. Anyways....I just love the
Tight Lines
Don Stokes

 Post subject: Don
PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2003 6:10 pm 
We'll be at "Sunset Cabins" in Northport Sunday June first till the fourth.
The best time to get us is around 5pm at supper Sun, Mon, Tues. There is always lots if your hungry. My buddy is a gourmet chef. (no Joke)

See you there. Let me know which day.


 Post subject: Northport and narrows
PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2003 8:14 am 
Wish you luck Speedtroll. We'll be at Sunset Farms when you get there so give me a shout and we'll let you know how our group made out. Great place to stay eh! Catch ya later :lol:

 Post subject: Sure thing
PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2003 8:23 pm 
Hey Two Dogs

Which cabin are you in?
We'll be in the big one near the docks.


 Post subject: Walleye Report
PostPosted: Mon May 26, 2003 5:44 am 
I'll be in the same cabin. Just ask for Ron. If we not there will be up at the rec hall with Connie and Mark. Hopefully we've got some good reports to share. Catch ya later :lol:

 Post subject: Northport Fishing Report
PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 11:28 am 
Sorry we missed you. We left Sunset Farms around noon and Connie said you probably wouldn't arrive until the afternoon so I left some info with Mark for you. He also showed us some fishing pictures of your group he has on the wall.
Hopefully your group has as good fishing as our group did. We were fortunate enough to have a large fish fry on the Saturday night and still take fish home. This includes releasing 36 fish in the slot size as well as numerous small ones. Trolling or drifting with worm harnesses or weight forward spinners (BRIGHT COLORS) in the 12 to 14 foot depths seemed the most productive. Also body baits trolled or cast an hour before until and hour after dark worked well, but we also found the fish to be aggressive throughout the day this year.
Good luck and we'll CATCH YA LATER :lol:

 Post subject: Thanks for the info Ron
PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 9:44 pm 
We Had a great 2.5 days. Weather was great and the fishing was great.
Caught 44 walleye (biggest was 6.5) and about 60 pike plus a couple large mouth.
I didn't realize you were from Ayr. I live in Kitchener. We should hook up sometime.
Talk to you later.


 Post subject: Northport--Sunset Farms
PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 5:52 am 
Good to see you had such excellent fishing. Its nice to be able to combine such a nice place to stay with fishing like that at your front door. I'm sure we'll bump into each other seeing we live so close. We would like to go back to Quinte for the late fall bite as we have never done this before. Usually its either spring fishing or ice fishing.
Catch ya later! :lol:

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