I have 2 that I no longer need as I have consolidated. Before purchasing we can stick them in your electronics so that you can see.
1. Fish N Chip ,
http://radioworld.ca/product_info.php?products_id=7606 http://navionics.com/MarineFeatures_FishNChip.asp I can't fish without this chip in my unit and everyone who has seen it knows what detail it has. 125.00
2. The next chip is the one that came with my humminbird 1157c nvb It is a Navionics bundle that comes with certain humminbird units. It has gold on it.
http://www.navionics.com/HUMMINBIRD%20N ... 0LIST.html quinte is on there, im not where else in canada.
http://www.navionics.com/FAQs_2.asp?CategoryID=5 http://www.navionics.com/HUMMINBIRD%20N ... ERAGE.html 125.00
U.S.C.G. Licensed Captain
Pure Fishing Ambassador