Isnt it Ironic how things can get so twisted around in such a hurry lol By all means guys put together your own show, have at it and I wish you well, and lots of luck!! If you could see my pm list of people who wanted to be in the circl of 20. I guess we could have made it a circle of 200. maybe used the whole bay and had 2000 or more,,,,,,,,, but you guys must know neither I or Landshark are form the area, this is one reason we used 20,,,,, we picked 20 guys from this board of either people we already know or people we thought would be nice to know have a little fun and make a little money to donate to a cause that cause is children who like to fish! we had some complaints, some wondered why they wernt invited, how we picked the list yadda yadda yadda so long story short we then started telling everyone to come join us outside the circle whats the differance to the 20 it costs 10 bucks (Money to be donated) all the rest fish for free we have asked nothing from you!! Im NOT going to stand here and beg people to come, im not going to stand here and BEG people to donate, thats really not how donations work it should come from your hearts not from someone begging you to donate, saying that if you do come, and you want to toss a loony in the jar to sweeten the donation pot.............THATS WONDERFUL!!!!!.............. If you just want to come out find the circle of guys pop a hole anyplace around the circle an fish By all means please do, .....WE ARE NOT ANTI SOCIAL....... and didnt intend to exclude anyone, dont you get it, this is cherity we are talking about! ..... its funny even when you put it in writing some just cant see the forest thru the trees!! chasineyes/everywher ............. what yo are trying to do is exactly what shark and I have done only we started this a month ago its snowballed forgive us for being a little on the competivive side and turning it into a friendly compitition with a little RIGHT TO BRAG!!!! when its all said and done. We tried our very best to leval the playing field put all men in a small circle make them fish in a big flat area with no advantage to anyone you get one hole its you your tackle and your fishing tecnique that will make you a winner,,,,,,,,, how can you do that if you allow people to fish anyplace they want to fish ?? roam all over fish from thompsons to the trenton ?? its just not possible is it or even fair!!! ,,,,,,,,,, how can a walker compet with someone on an atv ?? so we have totally taken away any advantage, easy to do with 20 not so easy to do with 200, or 2000 . then to top it all off it costs you 10 dollars, and you win absolutly nothing, until Sheldon Hatch was generious enough to make us a plaque to donate to the winner..... Free of CHARGE!!!! ........... we are having a plaque made to hang in the Belleville police station that we will give them along with any proceeds collected......... this plaque was bought by Myself and Landshark so again all money goes to the kids. If you still want to be anti social and try to take away board members from our event also potentual donators to the kids then so be it!! Have fun, enjoy, maybe next year you will think of doing something like we have .....BEFORE, Not after. Sorry I just dont know how to make it any more clear than that this is a fund raiser, bring a loony toss it in a jar, and fish the day away live, love, laugh! you could put 5000 200 foot circles out in big bay for this year we only need (ONE) sorry if anyone feels offended, or outcasted, that was definatly not our intentions.... On a little side not here Myself and Landshark with the help of a few who will be named later have already collected almost 1500 dollars in prize donations...........FOR THE KIDS. 200 dollars just didnt seem like enough so we went a few steps further,,,,,,,,,,, I must again stress this isnt about us, this is all about the kids of belleville! ............ Grizz